SOiL Wellness Remedy Roller Trio


Wellbeing trio of remedy rollers

Maintaining one’s health is key to enjoying life to the fullest. SOiL’s wellbeing trio of ready to roll-on remedies are specifically formulated to alleviate unwanted symptoms of allergies, colds and flu, and stress.

Support and protect a positive state of wellness with Shield, Easy Breathe and Relax remedy rollers. Learn more below.

Certified Organic and Fair for Life product.

SKU: ORR-TRIO-WEL Categories: , ,

Wellness’s trio of organic and fair-trade certified remedy rollers is designed to promote good health.

Encountering germs is inevitable, Shield remedy roller offers protection and support to combat ill effects they may cause. Easy Breathe remedy roller may help alleviate the discomfort of congestion and fever often experienced with colds and flu’s and allergies. Calm nerves, bring peace and contentment to mind and body with Relax remedy roller. Be prepared with Wellness Trio.

Each roller holds a ready to apply natural and organic remedy of pure essential oils diluted in jojoba oil. Mostly rolled onto pulse points the remedy is easily absorbed into the blood stream and quick to act.

Certified Organic and Fair for Life certified product.

Directions for use: Refer to individual rollers directions.

Packaging: carton containing 3 x 10ml amber glass roller bottle with metal application roller ball.

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